St Oliver Plunkett Primary School offers a dynamic and engaging curriculum based on Victorian Curriculum, supported by an Evidence Based Learning Framework. The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.
Every child can ask the below questions to reflect on their learning:
What am I learning? (Learning Intentions)
How am I going? (Success Criteria)
Where to next? (Feedback).
At St Oliver Plunkett Primary School we believe:
We are all learners- students and staff
Every child can learn given time and support
Every child can show growth in their learning every year.
Children all learn differently. They have different speeds of comprehension, differing personal abilities and varying inherent strengths across the key learning areas. To ensure that all of our students experience success, we work closely with our students, parents, outside service providers and highly qualified staff to ensure that each student has a dedicated plan for their learning. These learning plans are flexible and constantly being reviewed and readjusted to ensure that they are achievable for each child. We endeavour to work within the curriculum to provide an atmosphere in which the child will develop attitudes of caring, responsibility, achievement and a desire to learn. Our curriculum includes appropriate and varied learning experiences in the following areas:
English- Reading, Writing, Spelling, Handwriting, Listening and Speaking
Mathematics- Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, Statistics & Probability
Technologies- Digital & Design
History, Geography, Economics and Business and Civics and Citizenship
The Arts- Dance, Music, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Media Arts
Health and Physical Education
Languages other than English- Italian.
Supporting our learners
The Learning Diversity Leader oversees the identifying, supporting and monitoring of students at risk. Our leader identifies key principles, structures and processes that need to be considered in developing effective school practice. Personalised learning programs are developed in cooperation with staff and leadership. Funding submissions are prepared and Program Support Meetings are chaired to support the children in our care.
Early intervention is our priority. Support groups are offered throughout all year levels. All students are regularly monitored through our Screening, Assessment and testing is carried out in all year levels. At the end of each year meetings are held where teachers transition students from class to class.
High achieving students in the area of literacy and numeracy are given opportunities for extension, to foster their full potential. Some programs offered at our school include
• Maths Olympiad
• Debating
• ICAS testing.
A creative framework of dialogue, understanding and action is implemented at St Oliver Plunkett Primary School. Where students engage in a process of deep learning, evaluation and response to the mysteries of life, enlivened by the Holy Spirit. The goal of our curriculum is to deepen the relationship with God, right relationships with others, a greater love of the Church and empowerment to work to create a just world.
Through our Religious Education Curriculum students are invited to be engaged in the exploration and celebration of the Catholic story in all its richness and diversity through reflection, prayer and action for the good of others and their world.
At St Oliver Plunkett Primary School students engage in:
The Religious Education Curriculum
Twice weekly Christian Meditation and daily prayer
Whole school and class liturgies
Weekly school assemblies.
The Sacramental Program at St Oliver Plunkett Primary School includes the following:
First Reconciliation - Year 3
First Eucharist - Year 4
Confirmation - Year 6
At St Oliver's, we believe in fostering strong literacy skills from the very beginning. Through our comprehensive approach to English instruction, we utilise structured synthetic phonics to build a solid foundation in reading. By focusing on phonemic awareness and letter-sound correspondence, we enhance students' reading accuracy and fluency, while also expanding their vocabulary and comprehension skills. Our pedagogy is grounded in cognitive science, ensuring that every lesson is optimised for effective learning. In years Foundation to Year 2, our students are immersed in the crucial stage of "learning to read", laying the groundwork for future academic success. As they progress to Years 3 to 6, they transition to "reading to learn", equipped with the essential skills to comprehend and engage with a wide range of texts across all subjects. The Victorian Curriculum based English Program consists of:
2 hour Literacy Block for Prep to Year 6
Focused teaching of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
Assessment and reporting of Literacy development
The students read a wide variety of texts and learn to analyse, critically reflect and respond to what they read
Year 1 & 2 Mini Lit
Literacy Support Program
Extension and Enrichment.
We believe the study of Mathematics is fundamental in ensuring that students are provided with the necessary skills to actively and capably participate in society. Mathematics at St Oliver’s provides students with essential skills and knowledge in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Our Mathematics program is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum documentation, which aims to ensure that students:
Are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics able to investigate, analyse, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives
Are able to pose and solve problems
Appreciate Mathematics as an accessible learning area to study
Are engaged in a structured 1 hour mathematics lesson daily
Years 3 and 5 participate in the National Assessment Project (NAPLAN).
Integrated Inquiry
At St Oliver’s we employ an Inquiry Based Approach to learning within an integrated curriculum, developing the knowledge, skills and dispositions. In preparing our students for their future, we recognise the importance of developing their capacity to learn ‘how to learn’.
Our Inquiry approach embraces the philosophy of ‘lifelong’ learning and is a process that draws on a range of tools and strategies to develop thinking, research, collaboration, communication and self management skills.
Specialist Subjects
At St Oliver’s, our students are given the opportunity to be involved in a variety of specialist programs, contributing to their learning experiences through a varied curriculum that builds on multiple skills.