2026 Enrolment Information

Where minds and talents thrive!

A glimpse of us.

Why send my child to St Oliver Plunkett Primary School?

We pride ourselves on providing a nurturing environment, one in which students can develop to their full potential. Students are frequently affirmed, reassured and supported in all their endeavours. Teachers value students’ contributions and there is considerable emphasis on building their confidence and growth mindset. As a Catholic School, we aim to bring our students closer to a love of God. Our shared learning, teaching beliefs and understandings, underpin our curriculum delivery. We see ourselves as life long learners.

Our curriculum is aligned with the School’s Vision Statement, Victorian Curriculum and Horizons of Hope Documentation.

Professional Learning Meetings occur weekly to address the ongoing needs of our students and that of the curriculum.

Extensive assessment procedures are employed for the regular monitoring of students’ progress.

Special attention is given to students and families who need extra support. The Learning Support Team assists students with intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs.

Resources and facilities are continually upgraded at the School to meet the growing needs of our students and our School community.

Prep Transition at St Oliver’s

Your first steps toward St Oliver Plunkett Primary School.

St Oliver Plunkett Primary School accepts enrolments from mid March, for the following year. Children must be five years of age or older by 30 April of the year they start school. Interested parents are able to obtain an enrolment form and information booklet from 5 March. To enrol your child, the school needs:

  • A completed enrolment form

  • Birth Certificate

  • Immunisation Status Certificate

Note: Victorian children are allowed to start school in Foundation (Prep) on the first day of first term as long as they turn 5 by April 30 that year. Applications for enrolment are submitted in the year prior.

Moving Schools

There are many children at St. Oliver's who began Primary School in another setting.

Whether a child is making the transition from primary to secondary school or starting a new school because the family has moved to a different area, they are likely to need extra support from parents and other family members at first. How a child copes with change can very much depend on the kind of support she or he receives. Some ways that St Oliver’s assists and supports children to settle in to their new school include:


  • Visiting St Oliver’s to meet teachers beforehand.

  • Transition sessions or transition days where the child spends time in their future class or with their future classmates in the weeks leading up to starting at St Oliver’s.

  • Finding out which teacher to contact, when, and how, in case you have any questions or problems.

  • Giving the teachers advance notice of any particular needs of the child so that we can be ready with any support that is needed.

  • Allocating Peer Support to act as a special friend or ‘go-to’ person for the new student.