St Oliver Plunkett Primary School is committed to the safety of all children:
Everyone sees
Everyone hears
Everyone is responsible
All students enrolled at St. Oliver’s have the right to feel safe and be safe. The wellbeing of children in our care will always be our priority and we do not and will not tolerate child abuse. We aim to create a child-safe and child-friendly environment where children are free to enjoy life to the full without any concern for their safety. There is particular attention paid to the most vulnerable children, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and children with a disability.
All school staff must remain familiar with the relevant laws, the code of conduct, and policies and procedures in relation to child protection and to comply with all requirements. We have a Child Safe Policy recognises the critical role that school staff play in protecting the students in our care and establishes clear expectations of school employees, volunteers, contractors and clergy for appropriate behaviour with children in order to safeguard them against abuse and or neglect. Copies of the Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct are given to all staff upon employment at St Oliver’s.